

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Alright, I've never done one of these things before, but thanks to YK, here we go!

Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. Visit Prince Edward Island in Canada
2. Participate in GENCON (Damn you Joe!)
3. Watch the Ashes in Australia
4. Join the Mile-High Club
5. Write tons of books
6. Play the role of Danny Zucco in a theatre
7. Do tongue exercises with Ms Jolie (okay, that's a stretch)

Seven things I could do:
2. Write tons of shite
3. Tell you the story of Lisa Hayes and Rick Hunter
4. Read Sandman over and over again
5. Teleport, oh wait that's a fantasy... but I could.... If I really wanted to...
6. Eat chocolate
7. Sleep... I shit you not

Seven Celebrity crushes:
1. Nicole Kidman
2. Claire Danes, my Juliet
3. Willow, er, sorry... Alyssa Hannigan, psycho witch
4. Buffy Summers.. err, sorry, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Vampire Slayer
5. Angelina Jolie, Male Slayer
6. Kylie Minogue, Aussie dance princess
7. Rachel Stevens, S Club Executor Manager

Seven often repeated words:
1. No worries
2. Shit
3. crap
4. Yeah right...
5. Girls!
6. Really?
7. Mmm... chocolate...

Seven physical traits I look for in my partner:
- Everything that all hot blooded males want!

Seven tags go to:
1. Elyzrin Mat Drai
2. The top-decking madman
3. Aileran Eirreannach
4. Steven Gerrard
5. The 80s fanatic
6. Adam Gilchrist
7. Sleepy Jedi

Alright you Seven! Start cracking!

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