

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Leaping Knee to the Face pt 2!

At 4am, the stall shuts down and like it or not, it was time to go. But what to do next??!! We were getting a bit exhausted with our playtesting and wanted something normal for a change. Then a brilliant idea (Can't remember who thought of it): Gin!!!

Problem was, I only had 1 deck and there were 5 of us. So we walked to the local KIOSK only to find it was sold out. Undaunted, we walked, er, no, ran to the near 7-eleven! Suddenly there were 4 maniacs running and laughing on Telawi for god knows why.

Did I say 4? Yes 4, cause sleazy Andy thought that running around for know reason was less important than enjoying his ice cream. In any case, we reached 7E only to find out there was STILL no playing cards. Arghh, bad timing coz of CNY!

At this point Johan voices out that he has a brand new unused new rules UNO deck and suggested we get that. But we were still keen on Gin and after a while of gossip about random characters at the shop, we jumped into Johan's 4wD and headed for another 7E near the LRT!

Which had no playing cards either! So, we 'patah balik', and headed back. Johan asks about Uno again, but we were too wrapped up laughing about one nonsense or another, until Johan suddenly slams the brakes in the middle of Jalan Maarof!

read Feb 14 entry for the conversation!

So we got the cards and went to my place! We had some preliminary confusion about the rules, as the rules involved a 'launcher' that er... launched cards. Did we have a launcher? Er... no...

Note: I insist that the red and green look too similar!!! I don't care what anyone says. Shifty arseholes all of you!

It was loads of fun, but we finally tired and Johan and Andy went off. The rest of us collapsed and didn't wake up till 4pm! Didn't even notice that Dennis AND his uncle came in during the day!

Oh, and Loco got a elbow to the back and I received a Knee to the Face!!! Didn't realise it was a knee at the time though, was too dizzy and groggy to figure it out!

We woke up and Bohnanza'd for awhile before going for Snapping instead! Funnily, at this point in time Hari arrived with his gang, and actually wanted to show one of his pals, Daniel, the 'intelligent' games we play. Imagine his dismay to find out we were playing, of all things, SNAP!!!

Hari had to go off soon though, as they were having a birthday dinner at some Korean restaurant, and on cue, we stumbled out into the daylight to get some lunch, er.... early dinner for ourselves.

The day drifted away and it was soon time to part ways...

Final note: To all those who I spent time with in these last two entries, I just want to thank you all for a most enjoyable period. I totally loved it, and look forward to similar opportunities again!



mudster said...


Can i do one too?

Lady Aurora said...

I feel so left out... *sob*

*plots to move to PJ and realizes that she can't afford to... *double-sob!**

Unknown said...

It was indeed an happy Happy Valentine's Day..
Happy Belated Valentine's Day Sweets.

Lady Aurora said...

I was around on Valentine evening, y'know... but nothing exciting happened other than you guys taking my quiz...

Still can't believe everyone else missed the 'Who rocks my boat?' question...