

Monday, February 21, 2005

Survival tips for Ahmad and Ben!!

Yes, two of our fanatical card-drawing wrestlers will be going ahead of us to Singapore in a train, on Friday night!

Since it'll be the two of you, I have the following for you just in case:

How to jump from a moving train:

1. Move to the end of the last car
2. If you have time, wait for the train to slow as it rounds a bend in te tracks
3. Stuff blankets, clothing, or seat cushions underneath your clothes
4. Pick your landing spot before you jump.
5. Get as low to the floor as possible, bending your knees so you can leap away from the train car.
6. Jump perpendicular to the train, leaping as far away from the train as you can.
7. Cover and protect your head with your hands and arms, and roll like a log when you land.

Got it guys? Yee haw!

1 comment:

mudster said...

Well, the train's safer than the bus anyway :P