

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Quick Fantastic Four review (with spoilers)

Alright, if you haven't watched the movie stop right now...

Okay, let's get the main purist issue out of the way first. Victor Von Doom, say what??? What, they couldn't think of a way to make him menacing on film without giving him flashy powers? The evil genius of Dr. Doom is what he's all about. Taking that away from him just changes the character entirely. Is it because they were afraid they couldn't convince the movie-goers that a no-powers human brilliant genius (albeit with some limited mystical knowledge) could take on a whole superhero quartet?

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The comic that started it all
(I wanted to post Jessica Alba but I think that pic's been done to death on the Web, ha ha)
Okay, onto business...

This movie has the problem of having extremely successful superhero movies preceding it. From Spiderman, X-Men, and most recently Batman Begins, Fantastic Four was always gonna have a tough time in front of the critics.

The main difference in terms of superhero comics was that the FF did not have secret identities. Sure they had codenames but everyone knew who they were. In a sense, this caused the comic stories to be less darker and more colourful than the rest, and consequently, the movie too.

And when it followed Batman Begins, it just looked horrible.

But for all that, I think the movie did okay. It set out what it intended to do, i.e. have a more colourful, cheerful image of the typical superhero group (in this case, family). Although there were other things I didn't like, e.g. Reed's wimpiness with Sue, and Ben Grimm changing BACK into The Thing (where'd the additional power come from? And is the machine still around???!), the Fantastic Four movie was a success in its own way.

Oh, and of course, they found a way to show Jessica Alba in skimpy undies. Never doubted it for a sec!

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