

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

13th-14th May 2006 Weekend!!!

The weekend was one to remember for several reasons:

1. The wedding of Ja Ja and Saleem. It's always lovely to see two friends get married to each other, esp. two who are part of the WGS community. As par usual, we got a bit lost, but arrived just in time to follow the bride and groom into the reception area! At first, we pretended to be part of the procession, but half-way in, we chickened out and faded into the shadows...:P Gamers take note: Saleem got some gaming miniatures as part of his 'hantaran'. Could this become a trend? Will take note for future planning...

2. Liverpool-West Ham FA Cup Final. As planned, after the reception a number of us headed off to Riz's abode in Mutiara Damansara. During the short trip, my dad, (who is at home watching the match) decides to do me a favour and messages me when West Ham scores. First one, fine. SECOND goal, I get upset, and fire a message back to my dad telling him NOT to sms me bad news! Then, as we are stopping for snacks along the way at 7E, I find out Liverpool have pulled one back through Cisse. Surprise surprise, where's my SMS!!!! :lol:

We get to Riz's just in time for half-time commentary. After seeing the review, I admit to being a bit upset at not getting to watch the apparently eventful 1st half. Fortunately though, the 2nd half was just as good to watch! In short, Liverpool came back twice courtesy of Captain Marvel, Stevie G himself, and the scores were level at full-time, 3-3.

Extra-time yielded no goals, with both teams visibly exhausted. It went to penalties, and Reina saved 3 shots for the win! All-in-all, a great match for the neutrals, but for the team's fans, it was one heart attack after another!

3. Gaming time!!! Yeah, it was pretty late I know, but it didn't stop us as we played first Hold-Em, followed by The City of Tea (which went for 6 hrs min????!!!) I pretty much came out on positive figures, although I never finished first... A few hours of sleep, then it was off to WGS for Raw Deal, which I somehow managed to scratch 2 wins out of 5 despite a hastily built deck!

Overall, a great weekend, despite the lack of rest (which is typical anyways...). Ah well, back to work...

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