

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The rest of Day 2 in pictures!

Where do I start? oh yes... We left Bayswater by tube, went to Westminster. Tube's just like the LRT in KL, except the characters are more colourful. Ronnie was generous enough to get us daily tickets (wink wink, thanks dude!)

First up: At the Thames riverside, we saw a lot of kids enjoying this, so me and Hawa joined in the fun.
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At the time, I didn't actually expect this pic to be taken, but it does illustrate how it works. Here's the real pic:
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Here's a cool display on the riverside:
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Supposedly you can link your phone to the music box and it'll play the tunes from under your arse. Don't think our phones were compatible though...

Street performers were everywhere, and it was neat to see how some of them put a lot of effort in their respective acts. Although admittedly, there were a few who didn't do much at all, like this dude:

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There were quite a few of these guys actually.

One of the street performers decided not to even show up, just left his hat and suit:
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Lazy bastards.

Photo ops with sweet Hawa:
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One of the most well-known views of the London Thames with Big Ben.

Lepak time (actually our feet hurt. Well, everyone except Hawa):
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The contraption you see on the top left is the London Eye, a recent addition to the city attractions. Here's a long-distance view:

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It's similar to a Ferris Wheel except one capsule can fit at least 15 people. Apparently you can rent one to have your own mini-private party!
Anyways, from Westminster it was a short tubetrip to Leicester Square (yes, it's a sucky uncommon ha ha).

Was around 3+ by this time and the rain battered down ridiculously, so we had a late lunch/early dinner, depending who you talk to. Our meal was at this Italian restaurant, and I wolfed down a large portion of spaghetti bolognaise, which incidentally tasted great! After that, we split up to do some shopping.

Here's a pic of the area:
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On the right is Leicester Square. On the left is a Virgin Megastore and this is where I went.
About 1 hour and 40 pounds later, I came out with this:

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A bit of enlightenment: Me and a coupla friends have been hunting these two DVDs in Malaysia for AGES to no success. I made it a point to purchase it the moment I had an opportunity. Wiped out almost half my spending money, but I don't really give a toss...

It was late evening, and we were fairly exhausted, so back to the hotel we went (took a cab this time!). It was also farewell to Tracy, who was leaving the next day on MAS. I personally thought she was a sweet gal, and good company too!

Next: AAA, Day 3, Each to his own!

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