

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ella and Mas Idayu targetted!

For those who've been following my writings both in its previous and current incarnations, you've no doubt noticed that I pretty much have zilch when it comes to current issues and politics simply because I never intended for that to be a focus of my blog. I generally write what I like, although I do tend to stay away from writing about work.

Having said that, I can't help but comment just a wee bit on an issue covered in the newspapers, that of Pas Youth members calling for Ella and Mas Idayu to be banned from appearing in a football match concert in Selangor, to the extent of demonstrating during the event. This morning, the Selangor Sultan has come out and threatened for the event to be dropped entirely if the planned demonstrations were to go ahead. It's a standoff that to me can have only one ending, i.e. the Sultan winning!

What I fail to understand is ; why on earth have these two been targeted? What have these two done that make them look that bad? There's too much hypocrisy here, and it needs to be said here, I for one am sick of Pas championing Mawi as an example of an artist of positive moral values. What has he done that others haven't? Or maybe, what has he NOT done that others have done? Honestly speaking, I have nothing against the dude, but I'm tired of others making him out to be someone he's not. That's a very open-ended statement right there ha ha...

On to the two singers themselves, I abhor dangdut so I don't really know this Mas Idayu. I confess though, I'm kinda a fan of Ella, despite never attending any concerts or having any of her albums. But I like her style, and her strength to soldier on in the industry.

Rock on, girl!

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