

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Guilt streak

Every now and then I look at my current actions and realise that I can be a total turd at times. Sometimes I don't think of consequences at all when I embark on glorious quests.

When I realise my errors, I do try to go back and correct them, but sometimes I just can't y'know. Some things aren't easily repaired. How many times have you wished you had done something in the past differently? Yeah, I know, I lost count as well.

I just want to be happy, is that so much to ask? I try to do so without the expense of some one else's happiness, but I often fail...

I've hurt people, I've been hurt, I try to please people, I try to please myself.

I'm human I can't help thinking about myself.

I try to be open as much as I can..

But I want to take this opportunity to apologise to all the ones I've hurt, or even just irritated, intentionally or no. I can't promise you I won't repeat those screw-ups, but I can promise you I'll try...

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