

Saturday, July 05, 2008


I passed this Wira on the way back to Bangi, blue with white stripes, kinda like an incompletely-painted race car. What grabbed my attention to it wasn't that though, it was the fact that hanging just underneath the bumper was a fucking teddy bear toy ! What the hell are they trying to achieve there? Is that supposed to be cute? I'm sorry, but having a teddy bear swaying around looking like he's hanging on for dear life as the car speeds on isn't exactly the definition of 'cute' for me.

Reminded me of the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Luke's hanging on to a weather device underneath Bespin, the Cloud City. Except there won't be an honest-to-goodness Millenium Falcon out to rescue that teddy...

 Enjoy your short life, teddy. One of these days he's gonna get hooked onto an uneven bump or some stick on the road, fall off, and promptly get run over by whatever vehicle happens to come next.

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