

Monday, May 16, 2005

Flip flop!

Some people should come equipped with standard issue trampolines. I never cease to be both amazed and bewildered...

Flip flop!

Had some interesting incidents in the past few days. I can't say whether they're good or bad, but suffice to say they may affect me significantly in time to come. A bit screwed up in the head so I can't really think clearly right now. Involves a few people in my life...

Flip flop!

Had lots of Puerto Rico game play these past few days. I think I pretty much lost all of them save one which I used a factory strategy without the factory. Still, I kinda like experimenting right now with all the possible strategies, especially when I don't really perform well with them...

Flip flop!

Hmm... there's one person whom I miss right now...


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