

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Being a GM...

The last time I was a Game Master for RPGs was in Australia, final year, er... 1999. I ran Cyberpunk for a core group for 5 months. I was also involved in a few others that year, PCing in Mechwarrior, Runequest and the old DC Heroes.

Gming = Creation. Something I love doing, and I sometimes go overboard a bit I admit. But storytelling (as Ars Magica puts it) is really fun!

Currently preparing for Star Wars sessions, am looking at running it on Saturdays 4-7pm maybe? Seems all the other slots are filled up.. Yes it's verry busy at the shop these days... Or maybe Friday nights are better, but I'll have to check with Swedish first, our Greedo Fan Club president mwa ha ha!

Anyway, have to advertise it first, but probably only 5-6 players. I figured I can't go more can't handle more! Most likely during the Rise of the Empire era...

1 comment:

mudster said...

When are you planning to start? I seriously hope it doesn't coincide with the DOW practise sessions.