

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Dawn of War…

Had 8 hours (Read: Eight!) hours of Dawn of War, the RTS Sunday to Monday. ! It’s actually quite nice to be playing RTSes again. I confess when it first came out, I never really got into it, mainly coz the Amcorp Mall comps weren’t fast enough, But at the Ccafe near Triona’s house, it’s fast enough to make a great playing experience.

Having said that, I am WAY behind everyone in terms of knowledge and experience, so there’s lots I need to catch up on. Zach has been incredibly patient with me, despite my 101 screw-ups. Given time, I’m sure I can improve. I wish there was some database online where I can read what each unit does and what works best against what. But, as Triona says, the best way to learn is ta play…

Now I just need to hunt for a ccafe in Bangi that has Dawn of War, which ain’t gonna be easy methinks, will start hunting tomorrow.

Note: Just realised my gaming universe knowledge slowly expanding, my latest being 40K and Warmachine. Don’t know if I’ll ever get into the tabletop though, certainly not now with my tight cashflow…!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here you go azmin. now go their kick butts!!!
