

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Weird dreams...


I totally forgot that my earlier post was empty! Thanks Ruud...

Anyway, I was in a car with Wolf, Bryan and a third person not sure exactly who it was though. Wolf was driving, and we were on a road trip to Jakarta. (Hey, it's a dream, it's not supposed to make sense!) All throughout the journey, I'm being hammered with all these personal questions and I'm feeling fairly uncomfortable.

So we stop at this Mall, except that Wolf doesn't park but instead goes right through the main doors of the Mall. 100s of shoppers stare as Wolf casually drives through. He stops in the centre of the mall, we get out of the car, and just as casually Wolf hands his keys over to a security officer, leaving the car right there (and nope, it wasn't a car show either!)

There's supposed to be more, but for the love of God, I can't REMEMBER!!!

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