My back door neighbour's wedding is today, a few hours from now, scheduled to be held at one of the UKM halls. Last night, I went with a bunch of others to the hall to help set out chairs and table, you know, typical gotong-royong stuff.
Anyway, half-way through the whole process, I notice that some of my fellow *gotong-royongers* start whispering to themselves, casting odd looks in my direction. I'm not really friends with any of them, so I try to pretend not to notice, but I couldn't help but wonder what they were whispering about.
My questions were soon answered though. Apparently these 'whisperers' decided that something needed to be said, so a few minutes later they sent a 'representative' to me.
"Mmm, maaf ya, boleh saya beri pandangan?" (Sorry, can I make an observation?) -- he said.
"ya......?" (yeeeeess?) - i said, worryingly.
"Saya rasa, baju awak tu tak sesuai dipakai... (I think, your t shirt isn't suitable) -- he said.
"Apa...?" (What?) - it was an old white t-shirt, which of course i chose because we were doing labour stuff.
"Itu bukan macam gambar setan ke?" (isn't that a picture of a demon?)
I was stunned!!! Then I realised what I had on... a Magic Pre-release Prophecy t-shirt with The AVATAR OF WILL image emblazoned at the back!!
"ini bukan gambar setan, ini orang pakai topi ni..." (It's just a guy with a hat) - okay this was weak, but I really didn't know what to say!
"ya ke? Yang Prophecy: Magic the Gathering ni, bukan maksud dia um, ramalan sihir beramai ke?" (Doesn't Prophecy: Magic The Gathering mean 'mass foretelling witchcraft?) ???!!!!
At this point, I was speechless. I was totally at a loss for words! All I could say was, dude this is just a free t shirt for a game I played in a competition, it's not supposed to mean anything! With that, I just carried on with the work!
Having said that, I'm just THANKFUL I didn't wear the one with Blur's favourite creature on it:
stupid malays and their malay bawah tempurung memtality.
once upon a time, a policeman halted my playtest session in sg wang because according to him, "korang berjudi ni".
after a long explaination of the meaning of "card game" to him, he said "jangan nak tipu, mesti ada duit sorok kat mana2 nih". we showed him the place we bought the packs (diamond comics) and the auntie gave him another long explaination about card game...
and they call us freaks....
ha haa, ha ha ah aha, ha ha aha ha haa, ha ha aha aha a, ha aha... bodo la they all. ish.
enough said, azmin.
ha ha haaa.. THE ORANG PAKAI TOPI CULT. all hail master topi azmin. you mentioned my blur blur. ha ha. master azmin topi. what if they come after you, and you're on edisi siasat like ayah pin and his friends? oh dear.
-michelle :-D the twit.
ha ha, thanks for the concern!
The Cool hat cult, hmm...
Definitely has possibilities
Funny hehe. But cant really blame them, right? :)
Sad... really sad. Tsk. Just goes to show how ignorant people are around here. Maybe we should have a Magic:tG t-shirt with the demon in front and a caption at the back that says, "It's just a fricking game!!!"
Then again, they'll probably take offence at the use of the f-ricking-word.
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