

Friday, April 15, 2005

The roleplayer is online now activating...

Another one week of non-blogging. Have blogged more in WGS's main page then here! Wetef...

RPGs are back in my life!

I needed a way to get back into RPGs and Kwok's new Iron Kingdoms seemed the best way to go. I wanted to join a group with a good GM and chances are I won't be disappointed. If my RPGing goes well, I will start my long overdue Star Wars campaign as well. Any takers?

Similarly, after a long hiatus, I am also going back into wargaming, specifically Warmachine and Confrontation. Arguably there are some kickbacks to this, but i'm glad I found a reason to join. Just means I'll always have something to do at the shop!

I've had some interesting developments occurring in my life currently in multiple levels. Some are good, some are not so good, but the good ones are enough to offset the not so good ones! :P

Literature swaps rock!

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