

Friday, July 16, 2004

Deck project for the day - Eric Bischoff

After continuous procrastination, I've finally managed to get down to constructing a deck for the Steel Cage tournament, i.e. Eric Bischoff. My constant reluctance to dismantle my Trish has resulted in me having to write down my ideas on paper, which does look easier once I've done it. Hopefully tonight I'll get to do some rough testing.

Note: Any reader who has stumbled upon this blog may have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, here's a link: where everything you want to know about the Raw Deal collectible card game is there for your info.

My low for the day was locking myself out of my car again! Man, that really sucked. I wasted time looking around for wires, even asking around and having no luck. Fortunately I found a long stick which I squeezed through the small window opening I had left open (by accident, luckily!) Tying my shoelaces to the long stick enabled me to grasp the lock and pull it open!

I also met a Magic player whom I thought had quit Magic, former Worlds No.5 Sim Han How. Apparently he's at Systematic College. He is still one of the nicest good player of Magic I have ever met. (Ha! Magic:

My beloved Indonesian chat partner has turned up. More on this some other time. (Believe me, it would take more time than I have)

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