

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Grand Prix Aftermath

Well, it's Wednesday today, 5 days since my last posting and 3 days since the Magic GP ended. I finished day 1 at 4-3, losing my last two matches rather pathetically to U-W Control, which was arguably my worst matchup, but still....

I didn't realise that I would be as depressed as I was at the end of the day, but I guess it was more to the fact that I was 4-1 at one point. I suppose if I had started the day at 1-3, I wouldn't be that disappointed to the extent that I may have been an asshole at the end of the day and I do apologise to my supporters for that.

Anyway, I woke up on Sunday feeling much better and proceeded to plow through 3 drafts, losing at semis, and two finals respectively. Right now I'm actually waiting to see my updated ratings. By default I should have higher ones, especially considering my current ratings :)

Sunday night, Hafiz, my Magic General  Manager gave me a slow-talk over dinner to not quit Magic, among other things. I actually seriously wanted to quit, but I wanted to actually achieve something for the GP, something I haven't done. I guess maybe I'll still play, just not as frequent.

Enough of Magic, onto WRESTLING STEEL CAGE coming up this Sunday!!!


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