

Monday, June 13, 2005

the Dawn of War comp report!

The night before my DoW tourney (That's Thursday night) saw me busy preparing heavily. Not sure if I mentioned it before, but the rounds are all 4 player games, i.e. 2 v 2. However, we all decided not to play anything the night before, so I decided to play in the best 4 player game of all time...

Chou Tai Ti!

Unfortunately Raj was on a hot streak and I think all of us ended up losing to him at one level or another. Thing is, we were waiting for WGS T-shirts to arrive to wear on Friday, so we were just killing time. Problem being we ended up leaving at wtf 4+ in the morning!!

Ended up staying at Zack's place for the night with Jon, er... morning, not that we had much sleep ANYWAY! Zack drew me maps for the ones we hadn't played before, Tainted Place and Mountain Trail and we chatted a fair bit. I think I got about 1/2 hours sleep before we call Triona to wake her up (turns out she was awake) and Jon gets to work immediately yelling to her to get hand lotion! We try Ahmad but no answer.

We then have brekkie near Triona's place and continue calling Ahmad to no avail. We decide to crash his house instead only to find that the bum is still asleep and we end up chatting with his mum instead. Turned out to be an enjoyable time, his mum was really friendly and chatty, and spent time with us while Ahmad got ready.

Hang on a sec, isn't this supposed to be a report about the actual competition!?? This is all pre-match stuff isn't it?

Ah well, next entry... ha ha..

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