

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Party 1B

When we finally got upstairs we were kinda disappointed because I guess we had the wrong impression of what an executive suite meant. Apparently it's still a one room thing with one bathroom (just much bigger). Ah well, we'll just have to make do!

There was definitely a larger volume of people then the capacity allowed for, and we actually had to go in bit by bit to ensure that the hallway cameras didn't suddenly pick up a crowd of idiots entering one room all at once..

The games started off with Jacks. For those who don't know the game (I didn't before), how it goes is this: you pass the deck around... 1st jack chooses what to mix, 2nd jack mixes it in whatever amount, 3rd jack sips it, 4th jack downs the shot, whatever concoction it may be.

Memory's hazy here but I do remember taking one shot (Can't for the life of me remember what was in it), Y2J making one shot full of just plain Ribena cordial (Triona downing that one), Swedish covering for his gal by downing the shots she was supposed to, and Ian sipping AND drinking the last round with an extra large glass filled with all the drinks available! He wasn't allowed anything after. Btw, I think Rudy was upset coz he got to mix a fair number of times but didn't get to drink a single one!

Games proceeded with the nasty "I've never" game..If you have, drink up.

You find out lotsa stuff about people in this game, not that i'm gonna mention anything... Mika, the German chick kept getting upset when her turn came because no one gave her advance warning and she didn't have any idea... she and Swedish's gal kept getting into playful fights that was just so funny to watch... Oh, and Swedish was rip-roaring drunk by now!

Anyway, after awhile, I realised I had drank a fair bit, so decided to retreat to the inside bed and watch from a safer distance (previously i was sitting in front of the TV).

Then lotsa drama began!


Anonymous said...

hahah that was a fun party lol

Anonymous said...

i feel sooooo left out.. why this thing always happen to me!!! :(