

Monday, October 31, 2005

One of the best days of my life for the past few months

Yesterday I popped in for the multiple birthday celebration at WGS, followed by Suitestay.

Yes, I finally made an appearance, after so long! It really did feel like a family get-together for me, after not meeting most of them for ages...

So I wandered into WGS with Y2J, er, sorry, Andy, at about 4:45pm, and I was greeted by heaps of people, starting with Emil. I have to admit I was quite overwhelmed by the warm reception I got. It was lovely seeing most of you. Thank you all, and I love ya to death.

Body auction was speedy this time around, and I successfully completed an intended transaction (gee, that sounds kind of cold ha ha). As usual, Raj and Johan did their typical price-boosting nonsense, yet somehow managed to bring it to a whole new level. While I got lovely Syazsie without much hassle, as with some of the other transactions as well, half of the auction items ended up trying to buy themselves to save themselves from many an imaginative labour!

Anyway, we accumulated a tidy sum to help fund our future dinner and accomodation. After the auction, I spent some time talking to a lotta people, but I ended up forgetting to buka puasa (not to mention a promise to buka with someone! Sorry!) I only realised when I was about to leave to KL and all I managed was a drink from the fridge!

We lugged a PC to Ahmad's car, and 5 of us took off to Suitestay to set up. Incidentally, the place was fantastic, and while waiting for the rest to arrive, we settled down to an eventful Tottenham vs Arsenal footie match.

The rest arrived and games and social stuff began to kick off. I managed to participate in a coupla games of Twister, but mostly I just spent time catching up with people. This was due to the fact that I couldn't stay overnight, and had to catch public transport back, which sucked real bad. But I waited to stuff myself with pizza before I left!

I farewelled everyone at around 10:15pm and took off with Syazsie, who had to balik kampung early next morning. We boarded an LRT at Ampang Point, making small talk along the way, and eventually I goodbyed her at KL sentral.

All in all, despite the short time available, I was quite the happy guy! I felt bad not being able to really catch up on a lot of people, esp. Triona and Wolf. Hopefully I'll be able to do so in the near future. C'mon fate, shine on me nicely will ya!

Thanks to all who helped make my day great, really appreciate it! Can't wait for the next opportunity!

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