

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

VA TECH FAMILY DAY/(weekend really) + Mini competition

Paintball session:
Azmin: I'm not so sure about this...

Ahmad: So do you not want to do this?
Azmin: No no no no no... I do, no I definitely do. It's just that. See this is actually my first time. Not my first time. It's my first time since my first time so technically this is my second time. And I, and I, I don't wanna suck at it... so if I'm not up to par performance wise..
Ahmad : Azmin, this isn't exactly an ego booster, I mean paintball teams like a person with confidence.
Azmin: Oh I'm confident, I'm.. I am absolutely totally confident
Ahmad: Yeah
Azmin: Yeah
Ahmad: Let's get paintballed!
Azmin: Wokay

Quick competition: Anyone who knows what movie most of this dialogue is from will win a free My New Gimmick WWE RAW DEAL CARD!!! OR a MAGIC THE GATHERING ANGEL TOKEN! Your choice! First one to respond in my blog correctly will be the winner!!! (Going for the Cheap Pop)

6 (Read SIX) rounds of Get the Flags! I guess the whole group didn't exactly inspire confidence with the marshalls otherwise we should have been playing Capture the Base at least... Anyway, my team which included Triona went 0-3 at first. Then we changed locations and we ended up 2-4, losing the last one via disqualification (we would have won it otherwise), proving that the wins were due to superior locations! Extremely amusing incidents include Triona and me briefing the team fourth round onwards to 'get Ahmad, get the win". This had the desired effect of Ahmad getting shot at least five times not only when he went to get the flag, but when he turned his back to surrender!!!

In total I got shot around 7-8 times, including one direct hit in the chest (only protection I had was for the head). Hmm... let me check... yup, scar still there. Also tried some movie-style sliding and Ramboing, to no real advantage of course. Another embarassing moment included me sliding on the ground (muddy from earlier rain) only to spill about half my ammo!

Looking around for Lynne who was on Ahmad's team, but my lack of adrenaline management and colour issues resulted in me only seeing the GI in army cammos (Ahmad). Come to think of it, I do believe my contribution to the team was somewhat compromised by my personal vendetta against Ahmad *grin*

As for Triona, the only injury she experienced was to her ego, where an uncontrolled burst of running to get the flag caused her to ram herself against one of the obstacles! This resulted in some howls by the spectators! *grins again*

Anyhow, paintball was great :

Props to:
Ahmad for pushing for its inclusion,
Ganesan for some amazing kamikaze running,
Regina for her bravery despite being used as target practice by the other team

Slops to:
One of our team members who removed his mask illegally despite numerous warnings, causing us to lose the last round
One nameless guy who shot Ahmad in the back (okay, depending on your point of view, this might be a prop ha!)
Me for spilling my bullets!

Post paintball -

*to be continued

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