

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Five for fighting: RockStar INXS

One of my favourite aspects of the show is that the contestants are not only encouraged, but EXPECTED to fiddle around with established hits in order to suit their voice and style of performing. As such, the one comment so prevalent in other singing reality shows does not exist here, i.e. feels like karaoke.

And now the show has gone one step further: All contestants are to perform songs of their own composition, an ability vital in today's music world. Gone are the days where songwriters and singers were always two separate entities. Now, thanks to people like John Lennon, it is common for the songwriter and singer to be the same person.

Anyway, enough woolgathering, onto my review for the week:

JD: What a copout! Using the song which INXS had written the melody for smarts of laziness and sucking up! He did perform well though but he really should be punished for taking the easy way out.

Suzie: Overall a good performance, but the country-rock influences ain't happening girl. Look what happened to Brandon and Tara!!

MiG: Everything about him was great up until his song. Personally, I don't like him using a song that he co-wrote with some other guy, that person isn't gonna be in INXS, you are! The ballad, while nice, was definitely not in INXS's style, as Tim Farris mentioned.

Jordis: Her inexperience suddenly stood out glaringly in comparison to the rest. Her discomfort in the photo shoot, the lack of songwriting guidance, all these combine to create a very likely candidate to be ousted tomorrow. I wasn't keen on her song either, and I didn't think her version of We are the Champions was any better than JDs...Boy, she's in trouble....

Marty: And then we have Marty who was THE BEST this week. Not only did he put in tons of effort to ensure his version of Everlong sound different but still great, he also had the best original composition.

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Mr. Marty Casey

Bottom three predictions (if they're planning on sticking to the system) will be JD, Jordis and Mig, Marty for the encore (if any). Will MiG's 1st time in the bottom three prove to be his downfall? We'll find out soon enough....!

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