

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

AAA: Day 3 pt 2: More sight-seeing

Firstly, apologies for dragging out my London trip blogging! Football does seem to take a fair bit of it lately...

Alright, back to the housewarming. About 4+ UFS and BHC decided to leave, and offered to bring me to a couple of places. Trafalgar Square was one of them (20 pounds rent ha ha). There were actually tons of tourists here, both foreign AND local, so it was quite surprising. Supposedly there was gonna be some show that night or the next, as they were erecting a performance stage in front of the museum . At least I didn't get pooed on by the birdies :D

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With UFS, at Trafalgar Square

The Museum of course, was something else. I'm a bit of an anomaly here. I'm the sort of person who does appreciate good art and good scenery. The problem is my colour condition doesn't allow my to properly appreciate them as other people do... Still, I did enjoy the art gallery, which unfortunately closed at 6pm (so I had about 20 minutes max)

Dinner was quite tasty, although the amount of salted fish they piled on my rice was overload. Yes, I had a Malaysian meal!

After a short visit to the MP building, i.e. the other side of Thames River from yesterday, I finally parted company with a promise to attend their wedding ceremony come Nov.

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UFS's hubby, BHC

Here's the annoying bit. According to UFS, everytime they renew their postpaid phone contract, the company gives them a new phone. Therefore, she and BHC both have a number of good, unused phones at home. Unfortunately, I only found out AFTER I had met them, as I was looking to get another phone ! (I had dropped my phone one time too many!)

I got back to the hotel with no worries, turns out that Hafidz had not had dinner yet. So off I went, for some spicy fried chicken run by a local shop. Turned out to be excellent (damn it, I should have finished this before puasa, all this talk about food is killing me!)

After a few diversions, we headed back (needed to wake up early to catch a train to Wolverhampton for the V Fest)

Next: V FEST!!!

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