

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Bites

Back to the real world after the highlands escapade!

Why you shouldn't name your child after a footballer

Sunday night: around 11pm , Raudha asks me what do I want to name my second kid: I say Ahmad Suarez. Naturally my wife gives me the eye rolling answer. I'm like, is that yes or no?

About 1 hour later, during the Liverpool match, the supposedly adult Suarez appears to bite Ivanovic during the football match !

So I guess that's a no.

Political thoughts

Candidates were named on Saturday morning for this year's elections. I won't go deep, there are plenty of other blogs and sites to do that, but one of the most glaring incidents for me was the deputy chairman of Umno Wanita, Kamilia Ibrahim, not being given a parliamentary seat, but only a state seat. This led to her resigning and contesting as an independent

Questions were naturally raised on the relevance of the wing, and the future of women in the current ruling party  particularly since the Chairman herself has declined to contest.

I prefer to look at it in this point of view: Maybe BN are looking to change the wing's leadership. Remember during the Cow scandal (which isn't finished, for the record), Kamilia DID voice her opinion that it might be best for Shahrizat to step down. Rafidah probably loved her to bits for that, but the rest of BN?

Look at it this way, Azalina Othman is contesting a parlimentary seat, isn't she?

On a separate note, if Pas had ended up nominating Muhammad Taib for a seat, I might just have given up on politics altogether!

Flashing neon lights and weddings

I attended my cousin in law's wedding event on the guy's side on Sunday. Now typically the guy's side tends to be less formal in Malay weddings, with all the formality taken care of on the girl's side.

However, this event will stick out in my memory for being the first wedding I've attended to have flashing neon lights for the buffet and desert section ! I don't have the actual photo, but it looked something like this:

I do love these innovations in Malay weddings, it just gets so dreary sometimes. Hoping for more fun weddings to attend! 

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