

Saturday, April 06, 2013

How I ended up exercising on Saturday morning!

I woke up quite early which was to be expected given that I had fallen asleep early last night without even changing into my sleep clothes... I had actually planned since last night to head over to the KJ Park this morning for a bit of a workout.

Back story: Last night we were checking out the Mother Child Expo at MidValley but we didn't really buy much (although we did cave in one of Zharif's requests :p. For dinner, we ended up at Delicious. We hadn't been there in ages and they had made some changes apparently, new deco, new menu... Anyway, while sitting there we realised we weren't really THAT hungry so we ordered an Aglio Olio and a 'supposed' appetiser Chill Com Beef Fries.

Ok, you know how we always get annoyed when the picture on the menus always tend to end up much bigger than the actual dish? This is one of those few times where the reverse was true! That appetiser turned out to be a monstrous concoction that made us tired just looking at it! Took us quite a while, but in the end we ended up eating most of it. Taste was okay la... nothing that special. Sorry no pic :p

Anyway, I made up my mind right then and there that I'll need to work some of it off and that meant an early morning workout, which would be after sending my wife to work. It actually rained while I was driving but fortunately by the time I arrived at the park it had stopped.

I ended up doing two rounds, and unlike my rounds at TTDI, I sped it up a bit. All in all, I thought it was quite ok, and I sprinted a bit in my last 100 metres or so. I think it's about time I increased my pace a bit but I didn't want to overexert myself given that I'm planning to run my normal routine at TTDI Sunday evening. Once again I didn't switch on Runkeeper, this time because my phone was about to die. But all in all, it was a good workout! Just need to be consistent!

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