

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Short post on the Boston Marathon incident..

I woke up this morning to some horrible news on my twitter feed. The Boston Marathon has been the scene of multiple bombings. As of the last update I read on CNN, there are now 3 dead, and 141 injured, of which 17 are in critical condition. I can't begin to imagine the horror.

I live in Malaysia, which is half a world away from Boston, USA. However, I know quite a few marathon runners, like my brother and some friends from boot camp workouts. I hope no one I know was affected by the incident, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who were.

The thing is, I'm attending the Standard Chartered Marathon in June, although strictly speaking I'm not running the full marathon, but the 10km run portion. Ever since I registered a few months back, it's been in the back of my head. It affects my decision-making when deciding whether to take a bus or walk. Whether I take the escalator or the stairs. Whether I eat cereal or fried noodles for breakfast. Whether I should wake up early to exercise on Saturday mornings. And of course the need to ensure that the date remains free, so no planning holidays around that time.

But never once have I thought about the potential of the marathon becoming the scene of a bombing. Never once have I thought it could be the target of a terrorist attack. And now, it will undoubtedly manifest itself at the back of my mind. Whether or not it will affect my run in June, I cannot say. I still plan to run, and I pray I am strong enough.

I hate the people who have caused this. A marathon is supposed to be an example of the triumph of human spirit. It still is, but now it is associated with an act of madness. I can only hope and pray that this incident does not happen again.

Again, my thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this terrible, terrible incident.

Post-script: I just read about the Iraq bombings as well. It's a sad day for humanity...

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