

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Of sports...

Aside from Australian cricket and Liverpool football, I don't really follow many sports religiously. I am aware of Malaysia's achievements on the international stage, e.g. Nicol David's recent win (well done gal!), but usually not till the final stages. If I tune in to pool or tennis on Astro, I usually have a watch, but that's about it. Well, with tennis, it's when Maria Sharapova plays heh heh...

However, sometimes someone becomes so outstanding one just has to look up and take note.

This guy is a monster:

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Mr. Lance Armstrong

Yeap, he just ended his involvement in Tour De France by winning his 7th (read: SEVEN), signing off on his cycling career in a flourish. I tell ya, this guy is someone you've just got to admire. You're looking at a guy who, seemingly at the peak of his career, finds out he has advanced testicular cancer spreading to his brain and lungs. He then undergoes chemotherapy and makes it through, establishes a Foundation to help the worldwide battle against cancer, then gets back into competitive cycling and proceeds to win 7 Tour De France competitions. IN A ROW.

You gotta give the guy credit. What an achievement!

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