

Monday, July 04, 2005

Weekend partying....:D

The WGS birthday party turned out to be a great success, although it did start off a bit slow, i.e. the guests were trickling in at the start, everyone being the procrastinators we are all famous for!

I almost managed to go under the radar, but someone (I think it was Michelle, you twit!) ratted me out!

I had a good time although it was pretty exhausting. The auction was great although I think I used up too much energy trying to bid. It was especially hilarious watching people like Blur doing his best to ensure no one else bought his gf! Fortunately his mates came to his aid.

One of the people I wanted to bid for decided to pull a disappearing act instead (I'm on to you though don't think I noticed!) so as a replacement I tried challenging Fiezan for Sierra. At the RM30 mark I realised that Fiezan was gonna stop at nothing so I beat a hasty retreat. She ended up at RM45, which incidentally was the highest female price together with Michelle.

The highest male price went to Wolf at RM70!! It ended up being an all-expensed paid trip to Singapore to see Neil Gaiman, how good a value is THAT! Man, if I had more to spare, I'd go for it too. Dawn won it though and they are in Singapore NOW as I type! Can't get a better deal than that folks!

We ended up at RM685 which was amazing especially considering the fact that the turnout was a bit smaller than the last time! Evening came and with it, lotsa lotsa pizzas, which disappeared pretty fast!

Somehow or rather, amidst all the festiveness, an 11-player ANACHRONISM tournament was held as well! Ha ha, thanks to Andy for organising it, although I didn't play, it was fun to watch. Those who weren't in the tourney played CHARADES inside.

Original plans for later that evening were to KARAOKE, but it was later scrapped and we went drinking at Arjun's place instead...

Lovely, but exhausting...

Sunday was good too :)

All in all, I had a good weekend, in lotsa ways...


1 comment:

Lady Aurora said...

Ohmigod, Neil Gaiman! *faints*